Jan 28, 2010

alotalot of nothing

I practiced my Thai today. I now know 13 phrases. I have a feeling my accent is terrible. I'll get second opinion I also looked up moving to Alaska. I feel like everything in Alaska is a hardcore version of stuff here. Maybe that's why Chris McCandless wanted to go there so bad.

I briefly considered applying for a job there as a rafting guide. But I remeber reading how bad misquotes get there in the summer. Like you have to take vitamin b tablets to deter them. And bathe in deet. Then I realized the water was freezing there, and if I fell in, I'd get hypothermia. And I'd have to wear a dry-suit. Which means I would not get a tan. So I decided against it. But look, that's a legit iceberg those people are rafting next to! Crazy stuff.

I need to take my EMT test within the next month. I also need to start studying that again so I can pass the test.

Jan 27, 2010

Destination Dedication!

I want to learn Thai. So when I finally go on my adventure great big whitewater to New Zealand, I can stop by Thailand for a while; and buy food there, like green papaya salad (which is delish). Also, I want to go to the Thai new years festival, because it's a week long nation wide water fight. Which is the most epic thin I can fathom in my mind. (also I hear the climbing there is sa-weet!)

So I looked it up online and found the website
It's pretty cool, you can download language learning tools. I'll probably have to go to a class or live there to really learn, but it's a step in the right direction.

I also want to learn Spanish and Italian. So I can live in Chile and go on to Italy where I follow the book Agony and the Ecstasy and see all Michelangelo's works. (And run around Verona pretending I'm Juliet.)

Jan 26, 2010

Cooking Class

Today I learned how to make yummy thai food :9

It makes me want to learn new languages and travel.