Mar 28, 2010

The remedy for a salty day

I have a few ideas..

A float in an inner tube down rock springs
A late night Beto's run
A long walk in my woods
A plane ride west
The smell of rain in the desert
A Red Cliffs burger
Icy water in my face
Curling up with a good book
To smell like poo after a long day of honest work
A view that takes my breath away
Paul, my jeep
Listening to an old playlist
A new favorite animated movie
A letter from a friend
Sending postcards
Riding my bike until I want to die
A night hike under a full moon
A new dress for easter
Rolling down a sandy hill
A hug from my mom :)

Mar 17, 2010

Straight Trippin'

I will be in Utah in a month and I have not even remotely started planning my extra curricular summer adventures. I will get on that in the next month.

They will be so good.

Also my parents are getting me an Easter dress this year, yay! I can't wait for it to get here, it's so pretty :)

Mar 1, 2010

Sun on Monday!

I am obsessed with pretty scarves right now. Target has a lot, and I wish I was rich, so I could buy lots of them. ->
I have a lacy, cream colored one I wear all the time, I LOVE it.

Also, I'm having one of those weeks were I feel like I know everyone. Not really, but like, a lot of people. Just enough to be well informed ;)

Also, I want to make cashew chicken for the sister missionaries this week. I think they'll like that!