Mar 17, 2010

Straight Trippin'

I will be in Utah in a month and I have not even remotely started planning my extra curricular summer adventures. I will get on that in the next month.

They will be so good.

Also my parents are getting me an Easter dress this year, yay! I can't wait for it to get here, it's so pretty :)


  1. I'm super bummed you are leaving... for real! We'll have to take a cute picture of us in our easter dresses before you leave!

  2. PS I just read the rest of your blog especially the part about the Alaska adventure, but guess what? I am watching Into The Wild right as I read that part about Chris McCandless... CRAZY RIGHT?!?!!!! Have you ever read the book?!

  3. Oh my heck like a dozen times I love it!

  4. I want to see a picture of that press! Photo/link lease :)
